Wedding Traditions Planning & More
When you start planning your wedding, the amount of decisions you need to make can be very overwhelming, especially if you don’t have help. Once you decide on a date and a budget, you have to figure out which friends and family are getting wedding invitations and who isn’t. After that process, you need to decide on floral arrangements, reception halls, meal choices and a whole host of other issues. During this planning period, you may find yourself forgetting about the more trivial parts of the wedding day, like the traditions you are following and the others you are avoiding.
Here are some of the most overdone wedding traditions that you should cut out of your ceremony:
Smearing Cake – Not only is the tradition of spreading a piece of cake all over your new husband’s or wife’s face messy, it also takes the elegance of your wedding day and tosses it out the window. If you decide to continue the tradition of feeding cake to each other, do just that. Feed them the cake. Don’t make a sweet moment unnecessarily silly. wedding traditions
Keep It Short – The vows spoken by the bride and groom can be beautiful and can add to the joyous occasion. This is also true of the words spoken by the officiant – whether it is a priest, rabbi or justice of the peace. However, when these speeches go on for longer than 10 minutes, the meaning of the words being spoken can be lost or diluted. Keeping your vows and speeches succinct really adds to the profound ceremony that is taking place.
Plan Ahead – Don’t leave your guests hanging for more than an hour after the ceremony. This is usually caused by overzealous photographers who do not account for the guests’ feelings. If you need to take a slew of photos after your wedding, make sure there are enough drinks and appetizers to go around while friends and family wait for the main course. wedding invitations
The post Wedding Traditions The Worst Planning appeared first on Print EZ Blog.